
















2011年3月、日本の福島原発で大事故が起きて以來、福島原発は原子爐を冷卻するため、溶融した原子爐に大量の海水を注入しましたが、極めて高い放射能を含む大量の汚染水がどうなるのか、世界的な関心を呼んでいます。極めて高濃度の放射性元素を含む核汚染水が大量に発生し、今後どうなるのかが世界的な関心を呼んでいます。 本日は、緑色江南公共環(huán)境配慮センターの方応君主任にお話を伺います。


方応君主 2011年3月11日、日本の福島県付近の海域でマグニチュード9の巨大地震が発生しました。地震によって引き起こされた巨大津波が福島第一原子力発電所を襲いました。地震による長時間の停電のため、原子力発電所1~3號機の原子爐內(nèi)の核燃料棒は冷卻水を十分に得ることができず、爐心の冷卻水の溫度は上昇?沸騰を続け、高溫?高圧の蒸気が発生し、工場建屋內(nèi)に漏れ始めました。核燃料棒プールの冷卻水が徐々に完全に蒸発し始め、核燃料棒が空気中に露出し、冷卻を完全に失ってしまいました。爐心を溶融した水蒸気が蒸発して水不足になり、原子力発電所1~3號機の爐心の核燃料棒が溶融し始め、冷卻されていない核燃料棒が放射性元素や水蒸気を含んで反応し、大量の水素ガスが発生し、破壊された原子爐からあふれ、さらに原子爐建屋から外に漏れ出し、建屋の激しい爆発が起きました。






福島原発事故以前は、世界でも同様の事故は起きておらず、それに匹敵する処理方法はなかったです。 現(xiàn)在人類が利用できる技術では、このような大量の核汚染水を一度に安全に処理する手段はありません。最も良い処理方法は、汚染水を集めて保管し、放射性元素の半減期に合わせて深層処理してから安全に放出することですが(放射性元素の半減期には數(shù)百萬年かかる必要です。例えば、ネプツニウム237の半減期は最大217萬年である)、しかし、それこそ日本政府が受け入れられないことで、長い期間、多額の費用がかかり続けることになります。



How was the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water produced?

Compere: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Lvse Jiangnan "Fukushima nuclear contaminated water topic" interview face-to-face, I am the Compere Yu Ge.

Since the major nuclear accident at Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant in March 2011, the Fukushima nuclear power plant in order to cool down the melted down nuclear reactor, filling a large amount of seawater into the melted down nuclear reactor, and these large amounts of nuclear contaminated water containing extremely high radioactive elements where to go and what to do has aroused global concern. Today, we are interviewing Mr. Fang Yingjun from the Lvse Jiangnan Public Environmental Concerned Centre.

Compere: In March 2011, a nuclear accident occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan due to an earthquake, generating a large amount of nuclear contaminated water. The Japanese government, despite international opposition, insisted on discharging more than 1.3 million tons of nuclear contaminated water into the sea, may I ask Mr. Fang how the nuclear contaminated water in Fukushima, Japan, was generated?

Fang Yingjun: On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake of magnitude 9 occurred off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, and a huge tsunami triggered by the earthquake struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. As a result of the prolonged power outage caused by the earthquake, the nuclear fuel rods in the reactors of Units 1 to 3 of the plant were unable to receive sufficient cooling water, which led to the temperature of the cooling water in the reactor core rising and boiling, and then generating high-temperature and high-pressure steam that began to leak into the plant. The cooling water in the nuclear fuel rod pool slowly began to be evaporated cleanly, and the nuclear fuel rods began to be exposed to the air, completely uncooled. As a result of the rapid evaporation of water vapor from the core of the melted down reactor, the nuclear fuel rods in the cores of units 1 to 3 of the nuclear power plant began to melt down, and the uncooled nuclear fuel rods reacted with the radioactive elements and water vapor, generating a large amount of hydrogen gas that spilled out of the destroyed reactors, and even leaked outward from the reactor plant, resulting in violent explosions in the plant.

In order to cool the melted reactor core (it should be reminded that the melted core is the nuclear residue), TEPCO continuously injected large quantities of seawater into the melted core, and these large quantities of seawater were directly used to cool the nuclear residue that came into contact with the melted core, and therefore, the seawater used for cooling contained extremely high concentrations of radioactive elements.

According to media reports, in an accident that caused even greater global concern on April 2, 2011, a large number of cracks were created in the bottom floor of the unit of the plant due to the explosion, that is, cracks appeared in the concrete shaft near the seawater intake of Unit 2, and highly radioactive contaminated water was leaking through the cracks, discharging directly into the sea about 9,000 tons of highly radioactive contaminated water stored at the Centralized Waste Disposal Facility and other facilities of Units 1 to 4 The discharge continued until April 6th.

In other words, a large amount of nuclear contaminated water containing high concentrations of radioactive elements that cooled the melted core at the very beginning of the accident flowed directly into the sea along with the fissures created by the explosion, directly contaminating our oceans.

Compere: So what will the Japanese government do to actively respond to the generation of so much nuclear contaminated water?

Fang Yingjun: When the Japanese government built about 1,000 storage tanks in Fukushima Prefecture in order to store these large quantities of nuclear contaminated seawater that could be collected, the current storage capacity of nuclear contaminated water has far exceeded 1.3 million tons.

Prior to the nuclear accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, which generated a large volume of nuclear contaminated water, there was no similar accident in the world that generated such a large volume of nuclear contaminated water, so there was no comparable treatment method. There is no way to safely treat such a huge volume of nuclear contaminated water in one go with the current technology available to mankind. The best way to deal with it is to collect, store and then treat it in depth, and then discharge it safely after meeting the half-life of many radioactive elements in the nuclear contaminated water (we have to know that the half-life of some radioactive elements takes millions of years, for example, neptunium-237, whose half-life is as high as 2,170,000 years), but this is exactly unacceptable to the Government of Japan, and that would be a long time that would last for a long time at a huge cost.

Therefore, the Japanese Government, in defiance of the voices of condemnation from the international community, has blatantly violated international conventions and, for the sake of its own economic interests, opted for the practice of discharging nuclear-contaminated water directly into the sea, thereby destroying the marine ecology of the world and making human beings around the globe to pay for the wrongdoings of the Japanese Government.

Compere: It has been 11 years since the explosion at Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2011. How to deal with the nuclear contaminated water generated by reactor cooling from the core meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear accident's Daiichi nuclear power plant, whether it should be handled safely or discharged directly into the sea, will be a difficult choice question in front of the Japanese government. We will continue to pay attention to the subsequent progress of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water.
